Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tibooburra - Milparinka - Tibooburra

I'm sitting in front of the fire at camp. I should have a drink in my hand, but my body is protesting and I can't move. It's pretty icy and windy at the moment.
We are camping at the Aboriginal Lands Council for $15/night. The scenery is beautiful; Tibooburra means 'heap of rocks', and where we are camping is a nature's playground of climbing rocks for the kids. No one else is here tonight, so our 4 and our friends' 2 have disappeared. They'll be back when dinner is ready! Camp oven curry tonight.
Today we drove out to Milparinka, a historical village consisting of a pub, no more than a few houses and a couple of ruins. The old house, that used to be the post office, belonged to a family in the 1800's. The boys had normal names (Jack, mick and Ross I think), but the girls' names were interesting - Girly and Bub were two of them. 
After lunch at the pub, we drove out to Mount Poole were Charles Sturt and his expedition were stuck for months during the drought in 1845. To stop the team becoming bored, he set them the task of building a large stone pyramid on the top of a hill. There would have been no shortage of rocks!! We climbed right up to the top to see the 'cairn', and it was one of those times I wished I was just a little fitter. The walk just kept going and going, we were spread from the bottom of the hill to almost the top. C4 found a fossil of something in a rock.
After the exhausting walk, we drove to see Poole's grave. Poole was the second in command on the expedition, (spelled seccond in command on his gravestone), and died of scurvy. There were two other graves in the area; one was of a boy Carlyon Murray, who was 11 and 8 months when he died in 1924 and the other was his mother who had died in 1922. C1 is very interested to find out how they passed, so I had to record their details.
So now we are back, and I'm sensing an early night. 

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